Compared to my other personal project, Readency, this is not exactly a new project, but I needed to announce it anyway. So, here we go. I have started a new project called MeThinker and will blog about my humble attempts to understand significant issues in philosophy and science, both classical and contemporary.

This is not so much a new site as it is an upgrade and a rebranding of various other projects I have had over the years of dabbling in this blogging thing.
First, there was, a direct predecessor of both this website and my Coding Blog, Developing Clearly. Back then, I primarily considered blogging as a further way to improve myself professionally, so was run on a completely self-developed CMS built with ASP.NET MVC. The content was made with a similar goal in mind, so you could see a lot of posts about Cisco CCNA Certification and about technologies I worked with then – ASP.NET MVC and PHP. Most of the posts were migrated to Developing Clearly, so you can check them out there if you’re interested in having an “IT blast from the past”.
I believe that in 2014, I started using that platform to blog not only about coding and development but also about other issues in IT, such as unrealistic promises to clients. With time, I got the idea that I could also share my opinions about other topics I cared about, such as climate or feminism. Shortly thereafter, I became interested in the philosophy of religion and started blogging about that as well.
It was clear that these topics had nothing to do with software development, so I migrated these posts to a brand-new site, Entangled Life. Entangled Life was based on my own CMS as well and is indeed one of the predecessors of MeThinker.
This site was LIVE for approximately 4 years, 2015-2019. However, as I changed companies back in 2019 and started to do less with custom development and more with customisations of Standard Software Solutions, such as Microsoft Dynamics, I had to invest quite a bit of energy in that transition and in time I have started to neglect Entangled Life. I felt bad about that so I decided to attempt to give it a bit of a new life by rebranding it to Is it OK to Think?

This made me indeed more active, but unfortunately, on the wrong platform. Instead of continuing to post on the site, I started posting more and more on the site’s Facebook and Instagram profiles, under the assumption that I would reach more people by simply engaging instead of relying on Google and Bing to bring more people to the site.
However, what I neglected to include in my thought process is the very short attention span on those platforms. As my goal with this project was never money, but instead to make a tiny positive impact in this world, I soon abandoned that strategy as it cost me quite a lot of energy and I do not think it was making a difference. At least when relying on search engines you have a chance to reach the people who are genuinely interested in thinking about these topics, as opposed to, say, someone who simply liked the meme you posted and therefore liked the Facebook page.
So, in 2022 I decided to do a reboot – I was going to make a new blog about philosophy and abandon almost everything I had done so far, save a few posts which I thought were extra-special. I even purchased a domain and indeed took some time to migrate the posts but the project never really took off, due to lack of time. This is how Overthinking Clearly was going to look like:

But it was not to be. As I got more and more duties and responsibilities at work, I decided to put all Personal Projects temporarily on hold until things calmed down. Instead, I took my free time in another direction – I started amusing myself with playing chess and hiking. It is not something I regret, but I do feel that the time has come to have another go at it.
Finally, in April 2024, the project came into existence in the form of MeThinker. If you check it out now, you will find very few posts there. That is because it was started just a few days ago and because I yet again decided not to migrate the old content, and save a few high-quality posts.
That was the brief history of the MeThinker site—an attempt by a Software Developer to understand our world as much as possible. I hope you will take a look at it and, thus, accompany me on this journey, no matter how briefly.
Thank you.