There are a lot of great developer resources out there on the Internet, so it occurred to me that it would be interesting to showcase some of them, especially ones that are jam-packed with great resources, such as a Developer code samples sub-site on MSDN.

The basic premise of this site is that everybody can upload a code sample, and then the community votes on it, meaning that the best quality samples are really, really good and useful.
You can, of course, sort and filter samples by technology or if you’re so inclined, view only samples that are created by Microsoft. They also host JavaScript samples.

A lot can be said about learning by example, so if you find yourself curious about how to start with Windows Phone, for example, you can download a huge amount of samples and dive right in to see how to solve something or just to get familiar with something. The good thing about this site is, a lot of samples were tested by Microsoft and are guaranteed to be of high quality.

Depending on which skill level you are, there’s really something to be said about looking at other people’s code, especially code that was written by experts and this site really allows you to find such code.
Finding the time to study it, this is entirely up to you.